Location: Egypt
Age: 22
Interesting Fact: Bunch of hookers and cocaine
Minigames: Jeopardy, Survivor, Uno Singles, Uno Teams
Transformice Questions
What is the story behind your Transformice username?
2016: From my favorite stick figure animator Miccool and dinosaurs cause they're cute.
2021: I dont remember
What is your favorite aspect of Transformice (i.e. Survivor, Bootcamp, Fight, etc.)?
2016: Survivor.
2021: Cewb
Do you prefer being a shaman or getting the cheese?
2016: Getting the cheese.
2021: Getting the cheese
What is the best/worst part of Transformice?
2016: Best: Seeing dumb mice falling. Worst: PING PING PING PIIIING.
2021: Best part is Cewb. Worst part is Akool
What is your favorite shaman item?
2016: Anti-Gravity.
2021: Cannon
What led you to the tribe Carpe Omnia? If you are not a member of the tribe, what led you to become part of our family?
2016: Been with yall motherfuckers since Sabusha's tribe. Lol.
2021: Sabusha introduced me long before it was called carpe omnia
What is your favorite type of map (i.e. Art, Soulmate, etc.)?
2016: Art.
2021: Art
What was your first impression of Transformice? Did you like it?
2016: I was like "Waaat."
2021: Yes it was quirky and messy fun
What is your favorite title to wear?
2016: Quick Silver.
2021: Sexy
Do you have any memorable moments on Transformice that you would like to share?
2016: When we used to play board games back in the good ol' days.
2021: Akool being shit at survivor
What was your favorite event on Transformice?
2016: Christmas 2014.
2021: Old events in general, new ones suck big c****ck
What item are you saving up for in the shop?
2016: 2000 cheese hoodie.
2021: Nothing
How long do you think you will keep playing Transformice?
2016: Till I get married. Then when my kids grow up. I will teach them.
2021: I stopped playing x'd
Which do you prefer while playing on Transformice? WASD or Arrow Keys?
2016: WASD.
2021: WASD
Personal Questions
What is your biggest fear?
2016: SAT... Oh and fear of failing.
2021: Losing the people i love.
(Courtesy of Akoolchicano) Which tribe members would you like to meet in real life? If they are not in the tribe, who are they still?
2016: Akool, Hass, Sym, Lina, Cewb, Cheez, Musta, Kendy, Flame, and many more.
2021: All of them
(Courtesy of Akoolchicano) What is your height? Provide your answer in inches or centimeters.
2016: 185 cm.
2021: 185 cm
What are your Top 3 movies/TV shows/albums/artists (Pick any category!)?
2016: Anime. Anime. Anime. Anime. All the way.
2021: Lucifer, Friends, The Office
(Courtesy of Magicallina) Do you like shirts or pants more? You may only select one.
2016: Shirts.
2021: Shirts
What is your favorite personality trait in a person?
2016: Anything really.
2021: Huge massive big Loyalty ;)
Did you have a favorite childhood toy? If so, what is it?
2016: My Spiderman doll (still have it).
2021: Spiderman doll
What is your idea of a perfect weekend?
2016: Home alone.
2021: Netflix and food
If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be?
2016: 3. Extinct the SAT. 2. World peace. 1. Never lose my friends and family.
2021: Sniff cocaine, Slap akool's booty, Gemi finding a proper tinder date cause holy fuck.
What language(s) are you fluent in? What language(s) do you WISH you were fluent in?
2016: Mother language: Arabic. Fluent in: English. Wish to be fluent in: French and Italian.
2021: Arabic, English wish i knew how to speak italian or spanish
What are your hobbies outside of Transformice?
2016: Listening to music.
2021: Is mayonnaise a hobby?
What do you want to do at least once in your life?
2016: Sky dive.
2021: Sky diving
What is your favorite subject to study in school?
2016: Biology.
2021: Biology
What is your favorite thing to drink?
2016: Lemonade.
2021: Water
Do you play any sports? If so, what are they?
2016: Swimming.
2021: ha ha fatness go brr